l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

Entrance To Heaven.

You're on a winding road.
You've been driving for ages; you know you're headed somewhere, but you can't recall your destination.

This road has sudden sharp turns, but also long straights. This road has bumpy asphalt, but then freshly paved roads.

At times, you feel you'll never get to your destination, you crave to give up, pull over on the side of the road, call your mom, and just go back home.
At other times, you're pressured to drive faster and faster, you can't wait to see what your destination really is.
But rushing and giving up are not the answers.
This destination is worth the long drive.

This road, it's called Life. Your destination, it's Sweet Death.
Death is not scary or terrible or the end. Death is the beginning.
However, don't cheat life, for shortcuts result in punishment. And by cheating life, you miss out on some key aspects. You cannot prepare for Sweet Death, without cherishing Sweet Life.

Soo, enjoy Life's road, and don't be scared of your destination.
You're in for a trip. <3

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