stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Mother's Day

Nothing says Happy Mother's Day like flowers (except perhaps diamonds - nae luck mum!) and nothing says flowers like the Botanic Gardens, which is where I headed this morning for today's blip.

The weather was great so I went lite, just me and the camera with the 50mm lens. It was the first time I'd been and it's a wonderful place. Somewhere that can take full advantage of the full range of lenses. I'll definitely be making more returns over the next few months as the colours start to show. As things were, there were several species already in bloom, most notably the Rhododendrons, of which this is herzogii x aurigeranum (apparently)! The light was amazing and enhanced the colours wonderfully, so much so, this is SOOC.

So this is for all you mums and mums-to-be out there. I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing and spoilt rotten day!

Mostly this is for my mum though. I love you lots!

I'll be back later to catch up with you all.

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