
By patrona

To Be or Not To Bee

After my peripatetic wanderings yesterday I was in a mind to stagnate at home today, actually I was in a mind to stagnate yesterday but that was soon kicked out of me, and I have been meaning to capture the display of cherry blossom, not just in twig form but to show the full magnificence of the tree before all the petals end up in the pool.

As usual with my plans I am easily distracted by shiny things and as I carefully composed my cherry tree shot, trying to eliminate the telephone wires, the power cables, the neighbours washing and the ugly great barn that dominates our southern aspect my attention was caught by a determined bee, eager to suck every last drop of goodness from every flower.

What started as a quick capture of a flowering tree turned into a mini safari with me twisting my body into unbelievable contortions trying to capture the apiary escapee in a suitable seductive pose.

As I came to download my photos, I realised the whole tree was really not that glorious after all, an instance of where the real thing refuses to be captured adequately on film, so the bee won after all.

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