It's Coming Soon

We got a nice taste of summer weather today, between the dark clouds and the odd drop of hail. I was in my shirtsleeves walking around Bangor marina and the pier after taking Mrs P, Sophie and Natalie out for a Mother's day lunch. Taking a break, below, was taken in Bangor harbour and it reminds me a little of the old '60s and '70s John Hinde picture postcards I used to see with small groups of people wandering around seaside scenes.

My Blip shot was taken this evening on my way home from Donaghadee where I was risking life and limb while teaching Natalie how to drive. Not really; she's pretty good, actually. My battery warning light came on just as I captured this one, which is a shame, as the lifeboat launched just a few minutes later and it looked really well in the setting sun. It's really worth a look in LARGE by clicking on the little magnifying glass icon.

Taking A Break

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