Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

Your days are numbered!

Having sat and watched Ratty in the raised border which is about 10 feet from the door enough is enough. I have tried the nice approach now my sleeves are rolled up and I mean business! Watch out Ratty! Actually Mr or Ms Ratty please come and eat the tasty treat that we have for you. Have to admit I am too much of a scaredy cat and its Pete that is doing all the work.

Its taken a while for us to come to this decision but it looks like there are a few of them and they are too close to the house. The tasty treat has been carefully placed so Tallulah, Doris, Peggy, Betty, Daphne or any other wildlife cannot get to it except those its intended for. So fingers crossed.

Other than that a nice relaxing day - made up for lost sleep after looking after No 1 son the night before

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