Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

Stones - Sonic Youth

So I made it back into work today. I'm still feeling pretty crap but didn't want to take any more time off and I was only in for the morning. I may retire to my bed again now as I'm working again tomorrow morning, but at least I'm beginning to feel like I'm on the mend.

Once again sorry for my lack of interaction with other blips but hopefully I'll be back to 100% in the next couple of days.

I even managed to jump off the bus a couple of stops early so I could go to the beach and grab some shots for todays blip. I had some more with just stones, but I kind of like the look of the bridge in the background.

There were a coupel of useable options from todays ten from iTunes but after michh's comments on my Gang of Four blip the other day I thought I should use this one when I saw it.

Sonic Youth were a band I was into a bit in my teenage indie days then, when I got into techno, they were one of the many bands I kind of drifted away from.Roz was a huge fan too. Then in 2004 ago we heard they were playing the Barrowlands in Glasgow. Roz was desperate to see them so we got tickets and that prompted me to pick up lots of the albums as the limited amount of stuff I used to have on tape had vanished years before. The tour was to promote what was, at that point, their new album (although they have released another two since then, one studio album and one of b sides and rarities) "Sonic Nurse" which this track comes from. We git that album prior to the gig too and for an album 23 years into the bands career it was astounding, it had lost none of the energy and vitality they used to have and it's rare to see a group of artists pushing 50 release an album that good that far into their career.

as for the gig itself, it was fantastic. They could show todays rock stars a thing or two about rocking and all the parts that appeal about them on record appealed even more live. They are still, in my opinion, one of the few band who use two guitarists in an inventive and original way. The only downside to the gig was that we had been to see Morrissey at the Corn Exchange the night before and us thirty somethings didn't fare as well as Sonic Youth did handling more than one night gigging in a row.

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