Our life with Autism

By Cjrach

Roman Empress

Finally finished the costume for Rach but she's not happy cos I forgot to leave a split up the side, good job she only has to wear it for an hour to do her little play.

Chris refused to get on his bus this morning so I had to take him in my car.
Did a big shop in Tesco and done some house work.
I have three big drawers on the top floor full of clothes that don't fit, so today I decided to go through them, I found 3 pairs that now fit
4 pr that are too big and 4 pr shorts that fit now but will be too big in the summer.
Very happy.

Mum had a bad turn in the night and has had a blood transfusion today, that normally perks her up a bit.

Off to circuit training now. :-))

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