The red shoes...

...caught my eye as I waited for my train home. You can see the 18.03 to Bedford racing to its destination in the background.

The headache's gone - whooh! Just in time for work. We have a really lovely work experience lass in for two weeks. I'm always a bit apprehensive about work experience because we're so busy that it's difficult to find time to brief interesting work for the person to do. As it happened I had some artwork referencing that she could help me with - I enjoy artwork referencing, but it takes so long to find everything. We had a great chat about my type of work and then off she went to reference meerkat burrows. The closest either of us have been to a meerkat burrow is the dome you can crawl into in the zoo. I don't think real meerkat burrows have domes with humans in them, but I could be wrong.

I spent the evening covering the cupboard in another coat of paint. Then started on the hallway. Painting is addictive!

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