
By TonyG

Changing Names

Latin names are often confusing and sometimes unpronounceable. Worse, they have a habit of changing. Research, especially into plant genetics, allows taxonomists to better understand the relationship between related species. The knock-on is that long established names may be changed :-((

I know this plant as Scilla greilhuberi, member of a large and variable genus of bulbous plants. Related to familiar Hyacinths but more closely related to common garden plant Scilla sibirica,this is an easy plant to grow in the garden. Rather like the Grape Hyacinth it makes its leaves early and they become untidy by the time it flowers. I can forgive this as the distinctive flowers make a nice splash of colour.

Research into Scillas has seen a series of new names proposed. In this case my plant might become Fessia greilhuberi. Does it matter? I guess that's a matter of opinion. I'll keep to the opinion that I like it and let others decide what to call it!

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