It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

I LOVE the woods....

Now that I am a bit better with my recall I get to go in the woods behind our house nearly EVERY day! I LOVE it there.

Today it was beautiful and mum and I stayed up there for nearly two hours, just taking different paths that we had never been on before and getting lost! We love doing that, just the two of us and mum's camera :-)

It wasn't such a great end to the day though, I thought I was being taken out for an extra walk at 6 o clock but imagine my surprise when I ended up at the V.E.T......

I do love going in there though, my tail wags and wags, especially as I could hear Jo's (my favourite nurse) voice over the desk. I LOVE Jo.

The bit I don't like is going into Chris's room. Mum has to drag me sliding across the floor in to see him, then I quiver and quiver in a tight ball in the corner. I try and make myself as small as possible so he can't see me, but he always does!

Mum lifted me up onto the table and then I went all submissive for Chris. He is lovely really. It's just the room that is scary.

I am a bit embarrassed to say what is wrong, so lets just say I have a problem with my "lady bits" and my bladder.........Not that I have any "lady bits" left! but what is there is giving me a bit of trouble *blush*

I had a HUGE antibiotic injection and we are hoping it is going to sort things out, otherwise I have to go back again. Yikes!

Mum doesn't know what we are going to do when we move. Our vet is so, so lovely. He only charged us for the drugs, not for the time to see him, as he said that it could be a problem from my op. What a lovely man. We know too many vets that are quick to grab every penny they can. We totally trust Chris.

We wish that we could ask him and Jo to move to Devon with us!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps we are miles and miles behind with our comments. I am so so sorry. We are very grateful for each and every one though xxxx

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