Obsessive geekiness

I recently attended a course on off-camera flash at Calumet and it has really sparked an interest in me doing more location based shoots using Speedlites instead of working in a studio. One of the tips I picked up on the course was to be obsessive in your use of batteries so that you prevent 'things' going wrong on a shoot. I'm now a believer in the three sets of batteries per light method where you have one set in the camera, one set in your bag and one set in the charger and you rotate to even out the usage of batteries prolonging the overall life of them.

My lights are now colour coded to the battery sets, each battery has a number to determine where it goes in the lights and each set has its own box so they stay together. I've also bought some Pocket Wizards and will be applying the same principle to their batteries too. My next shoot will be a veritable rainbow of stickers attached to the lights, transmitters and batteries!

If there are any models who would be interested in a fashion shoot around the Edinburgh area, feel free to give me a shout through my website, Trixta Photography, and we can create some really good images. If you think this is obsessive, you should see how much work I do to make sure the images I take on shoots are equally obsessively good!

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