Every day is an adventure

By SJRKG1999

Did you ear that!

Didn't go in to work as my ear was bothering me, went to docs, I have an ear infection and sinusitis! Planned a day in bed with my anti biotics but t'was not to be!

Forgot I had arranged for the local homeless aid charity to come and pick up a whole load of furniture we wanted to get rid of.

Then my wee mum called to say I was right and she had called the doctor for herself! I spoke to the doctor who wanted to send her to the hospital for an X-ray! So I went over, had to go to the chemist to pick up prescription and get the slip for the X-ray! Massive queues at both, then took the wee soul to the hospital, the whole of West Lothian must have had the same idea because the X-ray dept was mobbed! More waiting, upside, got a fair bit of my book read and mum has finally got an MOT! Downside We are both exhausted!!! exhausted!

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