Delicate put it simply, how we are all feeling today.

Today, M and I made one of the hardest decisions as pet owners and parents.

Boone, our lab, was put to sleep.

There were a lot of factors leading up to today, some "fixable," others not.

Yesterday something happened that convinced us this was the best for everyone involved.

I know it will get easier each and every day, but today is a fog. And still too fresh. There is a piece of the puzzle missing that won't ever be replaced.

Ms B asked how dogs get to doggie heaven...she decided he would just float there and be able to play fetch whenever he wanted. I would like to think so too.

Thank you for all your kind thoughts yesterday, and to the incredibly supportive family and friends we have. We are quite blessed.

For the has been a miserable day. It is quite amazing the impact these furry critters can have on us.

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