Au Naturale

2years 151days

So, I've got beautiful new studio lights. My beautiful black vinyl arrived yesterday. I used neither for this shot. This is no background and natural light. Finished off by that little smile that melts my heart.

Today she's going to be taken to nursery by one of her little friends that go there too. She's quite excited to go with them. I'm n0t sure it's sunk in that she's going to nursery. We'll see how that goes, I'm sure she'll do great. There's a photographer at nursery today, doing natural portraits of the kids (exactly what I wanted to do for them, to discover they'd already booked this company, but I've been offered next year!) We'll be going on the bike home today, so she'll be pleased about that.

I tidied up her play kitchen yesterday, putting more of it on "display" on the actual kitchen. My plan worked - I hoped by putting more of it visible, she'd play with it. She's having a huge tea party on the floor right now. Then plan succeeded.

In other news, I last night managed to extract all the memory cards from my computer. Once I'd taken the computer apart, removed the card reader and done a "shake and hope" technique.

And in other, other news, Katie is going round saying that Heezal Hampsun is in her belly button. This concerns me slightly.

PS This is our 700th blip!

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