My Insane Journey

By euby17


Not exactly an African tearjerker. Unless you know the people and story behind this pile of toilets and connectors...
For the 350+ kids and faculty at Gesam School in Kenyama compound in Lusaka, these brand new toilets represent a huge, gigantic, enormous increase in both sanitation and comfort over their current system. They are all sharing a single pit latrine with a terrible seat and quite stinky restroom smells. But after getting a borehole (a well) last year, they immediately started planning for improved toilets, and are in the final stages of completion of a water-borne toilet system with two each for boys and girls and two staff toilets (1 women's, 1 men's).
Knowing the awful condition their bathroom usage was in, seeing these new toilet parts laying on the ground brought a tear or two to my eyes.
The ripple effects of providing water are amazing.

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