Housewife's Choice

By christilou


I saw this ivy leaf skeleton this morning and brought it in to photograph. Luckily I did this early as the day panned out to be pretty awful in the end. I was going to wait for better light to do it but it's just as well that I at least took a few shots otherwise the Lightroom cupboard would be bare !

My father in law is ninety and has advanced prostate cancer. He's become very ill quite quickly but has been determined to soldier on alone in his own home. Today he became quite ill when we took him to the surgery for a blood test and he looks terrible. His specialist said that she had referred him to the Macmillan nurses but they had not heard anything. I must make some phone calls again tomorrow.

As if things couldn't get any worse, Little B stole an Ibuprofen 400mg tablet from a handbag and is consequently spending the night at the veterinary hospital on a drip having been made sick. He will be okay I think but there is a possibility of stomach ulcers and kidney damage. Hopefully he'll be fine though. His very lovely vet lady says he is very bright for someone who's been made sick this afternoon! It's very quiet without him :( :( :(

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