stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Shaken not stirred

There was a lot going on, on the loch tonight. The coots were busy building nests, the moorhens were busy marking out their territory but the grey heron, who has been simply watching life go by, suddenly spotted dinner swimming by.

It has to be said, these birds have the patience of a saint. It was a good half hour in the hunt, but for the frog it finally caught it was over in a matter of seconds. I saw the heron had spotted something in the water and the stalk began. When it finally struck, I expected it to pull a small fish from the loch, but to my surprise this big frog was retrieved instead. A series of stabs, snaps and vigorous head shakes left the victim lifeless (I hope) before it was swallowed whole before our diner settled down for the evening with a wee drink of water.

If you are interested in seeing the complete dining experience, you can see it here.

Middle of the week tomorrow. Hope everyone has a smashing one!

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