More of Autumn

Yesterday morning we had frozen windscreens and frosts here in Murchison, today we had the national high of 28 deg. When I left work at 5.15 my car told me it was actually 33 deg. Ugh. It's supposed to be autumn!

Anyway, because of the heat there were quite a few enjoying the cool of the Buller River. Hard to credit this late in the year.

This is not technicially my best photo of the day (which was a pair of daisies catching the last of the sun) but it depicts the craziness of the weather.

Today we continued with 3 way conferencing after school closed. We in secondary were very lucky that we only had parents scheduled until 4 p.m. so were able to get away from work at a reasonable hour this time.

Kiwilizzie and I both decided that it was too hot to go home and cook the meals we had respectively planned so we headed down to the Rock Snot Cafe for pizza for tea. A good choice too in the heat.

I have not touched the colour here - it's straight out of the camera.

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