'Sick Bay'

I managed to drag Joseph from his sick bed just long enough to get a blip today. I figured it was the least he could do considering I had to take the day of work to nurse him.

It's that God-awful barking cough again, rearing it's ugly head and causing Joe no end of pain and snotters and us no end of broken sleep and snotter wiping!

I'm bored rigid to be honest and have resorted to doing paperwork and figures. If I were to 'gut the house' (as my mum would say), Opendoor would be expecting a unachievably high standard of cleanliness all the blinkin' time and then where would I be?

There'd be no more farting about blipping whenever I fancied, or leisurely walks to Dragon forest, or lunch with my mates. No, he'd be expecting a pristine toilet bowl and floors he could eat his dinner off. And even clean pants in his drawers God forbid....

Chin chin my lovelys and get well soon Joe.

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