Our life with Autism

By Cjrach


Having spent the last 15 yrs on and off with the same consultant I found it really difficult to settle with a new class but My old class on a Wed night was a bit difficult to slot in around the Cubs run. It's been hit and miss with the new group after losing 5 in my first week I was up and down.
I finally decided I needed to go back to Sue on Wed night and last week was my first weigh in, going from a morning to night class does add a few pounds so I had a gain last week. This week I lost 5.5 and finally got my half stone award. :-))

Mum still bad, she won't be home in the morning, no one seems to know what is going on but she has to have another course of anti Biotics in three injections tomorrow, my friend who is a Prof in Pharmacuticals says it sounds like mild Sepsis so I am going to try and speak to a Dr tomorrow.

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