duck fan...

...unfolded by the white

it was chilly... sunny... very, very windy...

a couple of gulls were sunning themselves by the shoreline... i wasn't paying attention - when a man approached me - saying there was an eagle over by the cemetary... i didn't understand - was he wanting me to go there with him? follow him right then? i sort of ignored him... walked along - he left... then came back - began talking to me again... i thought "where are all my feathered friends? or even other people?" for it was very quiet... but i think he just wanted to talk - proceeded to tell me how this eagle had attacked one of the coots yesterday and he chased it away... really? he finally followed it - the eagle - to the other side of the lake - to get a picture of it... i didn't know whether to believe him or not... i've never seen an eagle at the lake or the cemetary, but - dare i question it? by this time, we'd walked a ways... finally were by other people - he noticed this, too, took his leave from me... i was grateful...

it was then i saw the white duck - haven't seen her in quite some time... she let me approach her - getting very close as i chatted... then she began to practice her yoga moves - doing downward duck... balancing on one webbed foot... suddenly one leg moved gracefully backwards - her feathers fanning out - i thought it was stunning in the sunlight... i snapped - telling her how gorgeous she was - her pose calming me - that others would be impressed by her beauty, too... she batted her eyes at me - floating away in the water... grace such as this - in the wildlife we are presented with day-after-day... to enjoy on this planet... leaving me breathless when i see the result in a duck fan picture - constantly makes for...


happy day.....

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