eye of the camera

By telefoto


now today's blip was going to be a picture of the postcard we received from my father in law ..that was posted 30/1/2012 we received it YESTERDAY!!! flipping post ....but luckily for all you lovely blippers i ventured out of the 4 walls today (spots or not) and took lottie for a walk up robinswood hill our local nature ish reserve. wich normally we love..its a nice walk and most times we see some sort of wildlife , squigles, bunnies, birds you get my drift...

unfortunatly the past few times we have ventured up the hill we have been inundated with this^^^^^^^ POO!!!! DOG POO!! and lots of ....if its not on the paths for our children to fall in /step in or in the grass for them to do the same ...the wonderful dog owners bag it up" whooop"i hear you say but!! but!! they dont carry it away and put it in the doggie poo bin ohhh no ....they fling it in the trees & bushes in the bags so the lovely walk has lots of trees decorated in POO!! ...today we saw new signs put up by the council on the fence banged in to the ground but are dog owners taking note .... are they HECK !! look at this .... taking the p**s or what ....leave it right by the sign that says" bin it don't fling it ! there is NO dog poo fairy!!!! argggghhhhhhh this has made me cross today . dirty people spoiling a lovely place.

Rant over & sorry for horrid picture tomorrow we will have a nice photo I promise!!!

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