Stella's hotel

Just a quick update as most results won't be in till tomorrow now.

Stella is still showing a low white cell count, not worryingly so but still making the vets scratch their heads as to why.

She's just had an abdominal ultrasound and all organs look fine. MRI to follow tomorrow to look at her brain.

Neurologist thinks some form of epilepsy as he thinks her "barmy" episodes sound like seizures but I'm only seeing her in the confused state after a fit. If nothing else shows up they'll probably trial her on medication for this and see if it makes any difference. But, as always in the last few weeks, it's still a waiting game.

House is weird without her but she has left me her chewed up Christmas ball on my bed to keep me company!

The doctors & nurses where she is are marvellous & although she'll annoyed at being away from home I know she's getting the best care.

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