"Expecting Freda and Georgie..."

Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours.
- Ludwig van Beethoven

The Nora Diary, Day 9

Pleasant. Washed.
Stayed in all afternoon until about 4:15 when I went to the Square. Expecting Freda and Georgie out but the whole crowd from the office brought me a lovely puff also two linen towels and a handmade( ?)from Miss M. Stayed until ten.
(written vertically along the diary edge) Shall not forget this soon.

All through Nora's diaries from her years working at the Waltham Watch Company, she writes of her close friendship with a co-worker, Freda V. Manning. Unfortunately, there are no inscriptions on the back of Nora's 'snaps', so Freda's face can only be guessed at. I'm hoping to find a description of a day with Freda in Nora's text that is also captured in a photograph. I so want to 'see' her, Nora's true friend of the heart.

It was a strong connection broken by many moves, years and a mislaid letter, never answered in time.

My grandmother was 85 when I moved back into this house to help her and to escape a pricey apartment. She spoke often of Freda. A friend and I tried to locate her, but times were different in the late '70s, no Facebook or internet sleuthing tricks available to help us. Nora wrote letters herself, trying in 1980 to find Freda before it was too late. Someone actually had answered a previous query, giving Nora a name and address to try for more information. She wrote with high hopes. That letter was returned unopened, addressee unknown.

The connection may have been broken, along with Nora's heart, but I like to think Freda & Nora are reunited now, with no worries, just giggles.

I found the returned letter. You can see that Nora's handwriting still had her characteristic jauntiness at age 87. I so wonder if any of these faces belong to Freda, does she sit in the wicker car behind Nora on that amusement ride, or appear in the group shot? If Nora had showed me her photograph I would remember, I'm good at things like that .

For the Record,
This day came in very warm and continued into the '80s. too warm, too soon.

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