Underground - Tom Waits

It was a productive day all round today. Lots done at work then I got home and plumbed in a new washing machine (remembering to unscrew the transit bolts unlike the people from Currys who installed one for us a few years back). After that it was back to Taekwon Do. I've not been for over a month. Between getting wortk stuff sorted out for India, then going to India, coming back with a stomach bug then by the time I shifted that being so run down that I caught a flu-ey thing I just haven't made it.

It felt bloody good to be back, I've missed it for the last four weeks. I might suffer tomorrow though.

Not much time for photos in amongst all that so here's today's track. No apologies for another Tom Waits track. One from Swordfishtrombones this time.

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