Paint Me a Picture

Have you ever noticed how oblivious you can be to high water until you drive right up to it and see it, and you say, 'hey, the water's really high!" even though you heard about it on the news?

What's that about? We have to see it to experience it. Paint me a picture so I can believe it and remember it.

Hey, the water's really high...and muddy, but you sort of have to see it to believe it. So many of you probably had an absolutely lovely day, making the fact that it's been raining cats and dogs here (which should mean we should be seeing some of them float down river any time now) makes me wonder why we have to have the news anyway. Why on earth would you want to think about our muddy water when you have sunshine and butterflies? Now, that's just weird. I'd rather think about butterflies any day! In fact, paint me a picture, and your sunshine and butterflies can become my news. Now THAT I can understand.

And why do we say 'raining cats and dogs' anyway? That must have come from a story out of one of your countries. As you will see, if you are interested, from the link, we don't really know where it comes from, but a few of your countries are credited in the stories that are going around.

What I was really thinking about all day today is the fact that every little thing that we think is unimportant and disconnected is really woven into the fabric of life and plays a role, even if it's just the tiniest blip, it is still an important role in making up the whole. Because of that, the high water matters. I'm sure it matters to all the people who had to move their cows. But I'm just sayin', I wouldn't have even noticed if I'd stayed inside, so would it have been woven into the tapestry of MY life, or just the people who owned the cows? That's the part I'm not sure I get...

Say 'goodnight', Annie

Goodnight Annie

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