Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Day one

Today has been a long day. We set our alarms for 5am as Neil's dad was picking us up at 5.45, but Henry has picked up a cold and was awake at 4. He has a cough, is incredibly snotty and not very happy, and being very tired isn't helping!

The flight was horrible, Henry only slept for half an hour so we had 3hrs and 40 minutes of either walking up and down the aisle of the plane, jiggling him, singing to him or playing with him - hard work when you've only had 4hrs of broken sleep the night before!

The hotel is lovely but I think we'll all enjoy it more when Henry is better. We're all looking forward to an early night tonight!

Today's blip is Henry playing outside on our balcony when we first got here.

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