Is 30 really that awful?

By Emx

that red faced moment....

Shopping with my mother and sister this evening and littlemonkey was getting peckish so I thought I'd leave them to food shop whilst I grabbed a coffee and sat on the sofa's to feed the little man.

And that's where it all went wrong....

The little hand outstretched and grabbed the tips mug so quickly there was nothing I could do. An almighty crash followed by my 7month old happily waving a 2p coin whilst smiling at the man behind the counter. I apologised, I apologised again (whilst surrounded by broken crockery and lots of loose change), I placed the 2p on the counter, picked up my coffee and left quickly with the sound of the Costa barista saying 'the impressive part was the kid didn't even flinch'

I phoned his daddy who responded with 'that's my boy...'

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