
By woolyme

Disaster day

Today was hell . . . .ish

The electricity went off this morning while I was trying to work, so I called EDF.
They talked me through loads of things and eventually said, sorry Mrs E but you need to call an electrician.
So I called my landlord.
This you must remember is now an hour after the electricity has gone off so we are talking about 11.15 now.
My landlords receptionist says we will try to get someone to you today.
Erm I say, You HAVE to get someone here today, I have no hot water, no cooking facilities, no way to boil a kettle, no way to wash, no way to shave (Lewis not me) no way to straighten hair (again him not me) You dont get someone here to fix it we book into a hotel for the night on you.
So she calls back and says he will be there at 4.

Well he turned up at 4.45
Worked out my fuse board has gone bang!
Goes off with the offending part
Comes back
Fits it and hey presto

Coffee anyone?

So why ish?
Well look at the picture you may not recognise this but its the floor!!! yes there is a floor in my sons bedroom.
Woo Hoo
A clean bedroom
What did I do all day? Well I've put every piece of paper, pay slip, bank statment and utility bill in its correct place not just chucked in a drawer.
Then yes there is more...
I actually went through every debit card receipt and ticked them off against my bank statments.
Yep took me hours
I really enjoyed it. No TV, no DVD, we didnt even have a battery radio!

But excellent.
Now I must go get another coffee or I wont get my quota for the day, I'm going to have to stay up all night to catch up those I've missed today.

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