Come Rain or Shine

By Ceb1977

Roses That Grow On You

Another foggy morning in Yorkshire and new boots to put on my car meant no gadding about with the camera today but having secured a 10% discount on the tyres, the money I saved went on two bunches of my very favourite flowers - the mighty Rose!

Apart from red roses on Valentines Day, I've always wondered whether the other colours carry a meaning so I've looked it up and discovered a wealth of information ....

The pink rose is, apparently, commonly believed to be the rose of sweet thoughts, of femininity, elegance and refinement, a gentle reminder of affections not yet awakened, of happiness and joy.

The white rose represents purity, innocence and loyalty. Sometimes called "the flower of light", white roses symbolise everlasting love - hence its often central role in a wedding bouquet. The most famous meaning of the white rose however, arises from mythology. When Aphrodite (Goddess of Love) was borne from the foaming sea, where the foam fell to the ground, white roses grew.

Whether I can be described as elegant and refined, pure and innocent, goodness only knows but I always look upon a rose and admire the drama of the unfolding petals that start out so tightly bunched but blossom into waves of undulating colour and texture. What I hope I've captured here, through a little jiggery pokery to create a more 'vintage' tint to the shot, is the anticipation of the two roses full bloom and the promise of a spectacular display of the creativity of nature.

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