Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

On the way home

Saw this lone duck on the ship canal this evening as I was cycling back from Irlam.

There has been good news and there has been bad news.

It would appear #2 boy and lovely girlfriend may have decided to call it a day.
Now who will help with housework, bake cakes and make me cups of tea?
I will miss our girlie chats and the cat will miss the treats and company (the cat was particulary fond of lovely girlfriend).
I am sad.

#2 boy said he didn't care. Then after working from 7pm to 12.30am he went out to town to get drunk with his mates to prove he didn't care.
I am very sad.

#3boy does not like having his hair cut.
To get him to the barbers involves months of nagging, lengthy negotiation and on occassion physical force. We had agreed that he would have it cut during the Easter holidays

A few days ago he told me he would require cash fundage as he was going out today with his mates to get his hair cut and to go to the pictures.


There could be several reasons for this sudden change of heart.

1. He has decided the David Ginola look is not cool.
2. The washing, drying and general preening involved in maintaining the lucious mane is eating into valuable xbox time.
3. A girlie at school has made a derogetory comment about the length of his locks.
(my money is on the last one)


He could have realised I was right all along.

Excuse me , must go. Have just seen a pig fly past the window.

WHERE IS MY CAMERA?????????????

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