Colin Parte

By ColinParte

And relaaaax!

Three 12 hour working days in a row... I've now two days off so I'm going to make the most of them!
It was really nice driving home this evening in the daylight and it was quite balmy too. Next week, we're expecting temperatures of 17-21°C, but even today, I was selling barbecues and charcoal!
When I left home this morning at 05:20, it was very misty and I was tempted to stop the car and take a few shots, but time was pressing. This Blip was taken this evening. at Ballyholme beach and there were lots of people out walking and a fair few insects flying about, with the sudden increase in temperature.

The link below shows this morning's Financial Times headline. I gave a derisive snort when I saw it. Bad enough when bankers and financiers screw the economy up for everyone else, but then they also have the nuts to avoid their taxes too.

Financial Times

Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world!

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