
By anita

Solar Aliens


Okay - time check 7.47pm and have just showered and feel like a humanoid again.

Day started at rude o'clock out on the was so early and dark i had to wear my fleece OMG. Anyhow today I had the cemento mixer job...within 2 minutes of putting first bucket of sand/cement/water in a got it spat out all over me - much to the delight of the hombres who were all standing watching.
Uncle T gave me a lesson in mixing and the importance of not too much agua then i set to it. Felt a bit apprehensive of such a task and that if wall falls down at any point I will feel responsible!

So day woke itself up and by 11am I was back to painting as we ran out of sand. By this stage it was back to the usual 34 degrees.

Rest of day was spent mainly DIYing and prep food for the masses.

Shortly we are heading to the airport to pick up Raph who is to join the workforce....

Hasta Luego!
Rita (this was my 'worker' name for today)

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