do you get me?

Zachary has been on my mind a lot this week... He is a bright kid and doing well at most subjects at school but he just thinks differently, quite differently to most kids.

He has been loosely tested in the past for dyslexia but that was ruled out as his reading age is well above his chronological age and always has been but something is still just a little, well different.

However after a parent teacher meeting this week that really made me think things through, I did some more research and now realise that difficulty with processing the written language is only one part of dyslexia and while a common part does not define it. What dyslexia is about is processing information differently from what is considered 'normal'.

I could write a novel over the different way that Zachary sees the world, his ideas and thoughts, his constant ways he strives to change and improves things - his very unique take on life. It can be exciting, certainly enlightening and often frustrating but even if I can't always take those enormous leaps in thoughts that he manages to do or see so clearly those connections that are obvious to him, what I do need to do as his Mother, for my son, is just to 'get him'.

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