The high road

By Travellersjoy

Jane's Farm

Woke to hazy sunshine this morning and that joyful feeling of having time at home!
Quite a domestic morning, cutting grass, stacking firewood, preparing a vegetable bed and painting the porch. Took a trip out to the Borlin Valley, to see a very dear friend of mine, we met shortly after I arrived in Ireland some 20 years ago now and have remained the best of friends. Her farm is in the most remote of locations at the top of the valley, nestling against a steep, rocky cliff face. Usually we walk up to the deserted famine village, located in a high valley surrounded by rugged mountains and a waterfall but today we took a path by the river and through a young woodland. We had lost the sun and it was grey again but beautifully atmospheric, with the mountains looming out of the mist.

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