
By LuceoNonUro


This is my friend, Julia; swathed in light and looking like a film star.

It was a friend's 40th and I went down for a couple of hours. I caught up with people I haven't seen in almost 15 years - nobody had changed much! Because I rarely drink, if it reaches a point where everyone's hammered and talking rubbish (generally) then I stop enjoying it and want to go home. It reminds me of being a pub landlady and all the nonsense I had to listen to a advise on!

I'd been out for a meal earlier on with my sister and some friends , Johnny and Kirsten. We had a lovely relaxing meal in The Left Bank on Gibson Street . The food was gorgeous and the service impeccable as usual. My friend owns it so I'll get a wee review in for her!

Me, Felix and his daddy are all going off on holiday tomorrow for 2 weeks - 2 weeks!! - I cannot wait - we're all very excited. So this is probably my last blip for a fortnight - the place we're staying (in Tenerife at the North of the Island) is fairly remote so I don't imagine they have prolific wifi.

Until then, fellow blippers!
The weather forecast's looking good for you too - enjoy :).

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