
By atoll

Spring is Sprung the Ribes is (not) Riz

Feel like a schoolboy stuck inside on detention on a sunny day whilst working up my Staffordshire Saxon report today ('lines' basically). Was meant to finish the report yesterday so I could spend a full day tidying up our garden today (note I don't describe this activity as gardening). Alas I am still at it (the 'lines', that is), as it needs to be sent tomorrow. I even missed the repeat of Match of the Day this morning because I forgot the hour going on (and our television currently takes an hour or two to warm up but thats another story).

Anyway Spring is sprung so to mark that I enclose a photo of the only live bit of my partly dead Ribes (flowering current) bush which somehow I have managed to butcher and kill last year. Anybody out there know? It may be the Wasp nest killer I sprayed in the wall underneath it late summer, either that or my 'over enthusiastic' pruning.

Anyway, its taken on my new Instagram App which I am just trying out. Converts everything to square format ala polaroid and automatically Tweets - like you do.

Enjoy the sunshine eveyone else!

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