A touch of class

Whilst having a bit of a sort-out I discovered this beautiful pack of stationery that I bought a few years ago on visit to London. Such splendid names!

It doesn't contain notepaper, but some rather gorgeous card which will be just perfect for me to use to make birthday cards for the coming avalanche of birthdays in April and May.

This might sound a bit strange, but I've just spent about five minutes just stroking it .....

Had a relaxing morning then got stuck into another job application. I now have three applications in, with closing dates ranging from 11th to 16th April.

After much soul searching Rol and I have decided to spend some of my takings from yesterday on some really nice (and rather expensive) bread from a local artisan bakery. As Rol doesn't have to be in London tomorrow he's going to get up early to get the bread while it is still warm so we can have breakfast together before I go off to work.

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