
By nate29482


Didn't go to bed until like 4ish because I was watching all of the Californication episodes. I'm very into that show now, although I'm sad - I have 1 more to watch and then I'm all caught up =(

Work was extremely productive today even though it was a shorter day for me and wow are we broke right now! It's always rough during payroll weeks, plus all the credit card charges haven't showed up in our account yet. You know how it takes a few days for money to get taken out of your account if you use a credit card, well the same thing happens on the merchants end. So if we charge a card Tuesday (late) afternoon, it will be put into Wednesdays batch which means the $ won't actually show up in our account until the following Monday! It's the game of float and it's annoying, but every (especially small) business has to deal with it.

Anyways, then I came home and that was about it. Still not motivated enough to workout and it's not looking like I'm going to be. I don't mind too much since I need a day off since I'm still sore! Hopefully tomorrow I'll have enough time for two workouts then I won't feel so bad.

My blip was a last minute effort since I realized at 11:57PM that I hadn't taken a picture of anything yet. Those are the books I received in the mail today from Amazon, I love their $25 order free s/h thing they have. Ever since I joined goodreads I've been getting back into reading (since I've been on about a 25 year hiatus).

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