Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

Duthie Park

Today's been spent with some of the people I love most in the whole world.

After visiting, my folks & Grunny Wack, Awsomo & I decided to take a turn 'round the beautiful Duthie Park in Aberdeen.

It's currently undergoing a multi million pound regeneration to take it back to it's former glory.

I understand completely why it needs a little care, and I'm sure it's original design will be beautiful. But as I strolled with Awsomo today, my head filled with memories of when I was a child. Learning to ride my bike, concerts, school trips, picnics with Grunny Wack! It occurred to me that it'll never be the same place again, and something inside began to ache.

With so many changes taking place in my life, it would've been so wonderful to have been able to hold on to the park and how I remember it for a little longer. Alas it's not to be......

But with change comes new memories and that's something to smile about.

REDMarmalade xxx

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