my life, my pictures

By jennifleur

Eighty Two.

Day 82

22nd March 2012

A very hectic day, Chap to preschool, a friend's house in the afternoon and then packing the car up for a trip to Norfolk to see my husband's family. We stopped the night at my parent's house on our way and I realised that I hadn't taken my photo for today. This is my Mum's piano, I learnt to play on this from the age of five, so I love to play when I come to their house. I didn't get to play this time as everything was so rushed. Next time though!

Been playing with this in Picasa this evening! More and more I'm using Photoshop instead but I noticed that my Picasa was due an update and when it had finished there were lots more buttons to play around with! This is '1960s' treatment. I quite liked it.

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