Around and about!

By xLindax

Heavy wasp!

Picture the scene - Lester and I on our hands and knees crouching over a shrub in the garden trying to blip wasps, Kids running round like lunatics screaming like girls!! The shrub was over flowing with wasps collecting pollen, it was fascinating to watch and I think a bravery award is definitely needed - it's amazing what you do and how close you get to 'mean inesects' just for a blip! I've not done anything to it apart from darken it a little as I think it's a bit over exposed but I just love the way the wasp is absolutely covered in huge globs (great word!) of pollen.

Anyway the rest of the day was a little less insecty! I took the ironing board outside and finished all my ironing - brownie points please!! Lester and youngest son painted the fence, and eldest son painted the shed. Glorious sunshine - fantastic day.

Hope you've all had a fabulous sunny day x

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