In Between Days

By jase

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Glorious weather. Thought I would use a picture showing Alana's new haircut and you can just see her brace. She looks about two years older! Here she is smiling in the evening sun after eating out at the Chinese buffet. It was well earned as both the kids and L walked 3 miles at Nostell Priory as part of the Sport Relief mile thingy. L and her friends and their kids all did it and I think they had lots of fun. I spent this time following instruction which included hanging washing out, starting and emptying dish washer, making bed (which was later hastily remade) and cleaning hamster. I think L thinks all these things took 20 mins and that I had an easy morning watching TV. Visted the park and Freeport to use the play area and finished off at the Chinese. The Chinese buffet sounded like a great idea but was a little disappointing - i got full very quickly. The kids loved it though. Louis is very pleased with his medal.

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