walking in the city

By inthecity


Eastern Avenue

Sunshine streaming in while I fed my kittens, watered plants and cleaned the mirrors. Then I saw my landlady on the verandah and she took me for a spin around the neighbourhood in her new mini cooper.

Plundered my closet for something nice to wear to a musical salon at the CBC. Sounded like fun when my friend offered comp tickets yesterday. Left in brown heeled boots, jeans (after some hesitation), and brown sweater I got in Italy last year.

I love downtown on Sundays. Today people were drunk on sunshine. Patios blooming on sidewalks; shop doorways busting out with merchandise.

And the performances! Spectacular talent on piano, bass-baritone, tenor (ooh my new boyfriend), another tenor and a soprano. They did Kurt Weill, Jerome Kern, Copland and Gershwin--a whole American program. I'm not super familiar with the material, but I'm still humming hours later.

The moon is out, almost smack in the middle of Jupiter and the other planet over there (Mercury?).

Hope your weekend was spectacular.

Posted these in the last few days. See you in comments. Thanks again for patience.

> Suburban sublime
> Delirious

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