One of 365

By Allan46

More Graffiti

Today I returned to Leighton where I took a earlier blip of graffiti on a dividing fence.

I liked this one as much as the first I put up, and have wanted to use it is the day. (see earlier blip)

The indigenous Australian aboriginal is blowing a didgeridoo

The didgeridoo is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia around 1,500 years ago and still in widespread usage today both in Australia and around the world. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden trumpet or "drone pipe". Musicologists classify it as a brass aerophone.

Archaeological studies of rock art in Northern Australia suggest that the people of the Kakadu region of the Northern Territory have been using the didgeridoo for less than 1,000 years, based on the dating of paintings on cave walls and shelters from this period.

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