Beyond The Neon and Lights There is Darkness.

Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy (Paul Oakenfold Remix)

Often during the day, perhaps due to my tiredness, a million thoughts go through my head ready to go onto some form of record only to be instantly forgotten once the blank page presents itself. This constant restraint or stunting of expression is continuously manifested into a whirlwind of regret, and when left unkept, destroys all matter of confidence seemingly instantaneously in the momentary retrospective glance of hindsight. Pompous sentence making aside, the truth is, is that when you lose sight of your values through procrastination, the decisions you make and the actions you take come back and bite you. Be ready to accept the consequences once they come your way with open arms because they don't sleep but find you in yours.

On a much brighter note, the 5D Mk III is out in Japan, and my goodness it's a joy. :) I need to start another hobby.

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