Messy Mama Monday

It has been a Messy Mama Monday today. Life has revolved around getting these trial craft kits finished and out of the door. Aided by caffeine and sunshine, and let down by a camera and a debit card. Thank goodness that the other out-of-service camera's dodgy focussing issues were overcome by lots of sunshine and a pretty small aperture! And thank goodness for the credit card, otherwise those craft kits would have been going nowhere.

Today has had me wondering. What does living by faith actually look like? We have no money now, and it's to last us three weeks until payday. There are quite a few bills that require paying between now and then, and food to buy. I guess that living by faith is a proactive attitude. A verb, rather than an adjective - a doing, rather than a descriptive, word. It doesn't mean that you just roll with the punches: it means, to quote John Ortberg, if you want to walk on water you have to get out of the boat.

I get the feeling that we've not been in the boat for a while. But as for walking on water - I'm not sure that's how I'd describe it. In the bible, Peter gets out of the boat when Jesus calls to him, and, as if his mind suddenly catches on to what's happening, Peter starts to sink. Jesus reaches out and helps him back up. I feel like we're hanging on to the boat for dear life instead of hanging on to Jesus and I don't know how to switch to holding on to Jesus.


I do know.

By praying.

Which I don't do enough of.

That has to change.

G'night world - although I'll blip this once I'm back downstairs, I'm writing it while nursing Charley to sleep. I'll stop writing now, and use the time that Ben is still downstairs to pray.

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