
By JillyMint

Toadlets instead?

Well my pond contains at least 3 frogs - and this pair of mating toads. Surely I must get spawn of one sort or another now?
How interesting it is to have this pond and, even in its first year, be able to observe the life cycle of so many different species. The dragonflies and damselflies were very quick to lay eggs and we have a healthy population of great diving beetles, diving beetles, water boatmen etc etc.
I did go out last night and listen to the night chorus and knew there was more than one frog so today's little discovery was not a surprise.
The male toad is smaller than the female and they can spend several days like this before laying their spawn so I'll just have to be patient!
I'm off now to the local Parkinson's support group monthly meeting so I'll look later at everyone's blips.

UPDATE At 5pm this evening I had 2 mating pairs of toads and several strings of eggs! Success! I can look forward to seeing how the toadlets develop over the next few months
Canon 1D MkIV; 180mm macro + 1.4x = 252mm; ISO200; f/6.3; 1/200"

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