
By NickMog

Silas "Peg-Leg" Pugh

This is Silas "Peg-Leg" Pugh. Affectionately known as "Black-Hearted, Throat-cutting Disemboweller" to his friends. Silas might be a vicious, cold-blooded killer (in fact, he IS a vicious, cold-blooded killer - he once killed a man who claimed that he (Silas, not the man) wasn't a vicious cold-blooded killer just to prove that he (Silas again) WAS a vicious, cold-blooded killer (and, to make it absolutely clear, he (Silas of course) killed the man in a particularly vicious and cold-blooded way)) but he does have a soft-hearted side. Sometimes, when sent by Captain Blood to murder someone, Silas lets his victims off. Captain Blood is always on the look-out for lily-livered slacking like this and so he demands proof that the killing has been carried out satisfactorily. Usually, his henchdogs achieve this by bringing back the body. Silas, cunningly, just brings back an easily identified part of the victim - for example, a limb with a recognisable tattoo. This allows him to indulge his merciful whims without falling foul of Captain Blood's notorious wrath. So, thanks to Silas's better-nature there are several ex-pirates who owe their lives to him. Most of them don't begrudge the arm or ear that they have lost. But Johnny "Tattood Johnson" Johnson was less philosophical about the circumstances of his reprieve...

If you aren't afeared, you can see the rest of the crew here.

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