LOL from Edinburgh

By lol


Walking from work I spotted this mass of blossom up Gullan's Close - knowing all the blossom across the city won't hang around long I thought I'd start a potential sequence of blips. The late sunlight on this was more impressive than than shown (!) ... but you'll just have to believe the blipper on that one.

After this I headed up to an RSS (Royal Statistical Society) meeting on getStats - an initiative that is billed as providing support to improve statistical literacy ... although I think the seminar title emphasised the negative ...
How much does statistical illiteracy cost?
(David Walker, Director getStats and John Pullinger, Chair, getStats Campaign Board and RSS President-elect)

After Q&A we retired for a drink/chat and I heard that the first Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN) is being published tomorrow ... can't wait to get a look at the fist evaluation of Curriculum for Excellence!

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